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Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks

Be part of a
movement to
prevent suicide

Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Networks (Wesley LifeForce Networks) is a national suicide prevention service supporting communities and saving lives.

Wesley LifeForce Networks help communities better understand suicide and use proven strategies to support people at risk. This grassroots approach is enhanced through Wesley LifeForce Suicide Prevention Training workshops for community members and healthcare professionals.

The University of Melbourne identified the introduction of Wesley LifeForce Networks initially reduced community suicide rates by 17 per cent, with a long-term average of seven per cent.

Become a Wesley LifeForce Member Network

As a Wesley LifeForce Member Network, you’ll join a national movement that aims to reduce suicide and build community resilience.

You’ll receive seed funding, set-up support and training to deliver suicide prevention projects in your local community. As well as access to dedicated community development coordinators, research and resources.

Wesley LifeForce Networks are identified through Wesley Mission’s Network Selection and Establishment Process, endorsed by Griffith University and informed by Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare suicide and self-harm monitoring data.


Already part of a local group or organisation working to prevent suicide in your community? Become an affiliate network and benefit from our extensive support, research and resources.

To establish or join a Wesley LifeForce Network

Contact us today